
Informational Flyers on Impacts and Unintended Consequences of Colorado’s Sex Offender Laws


  1. Lie Detector (2015)
  2. Peeing on the Grass (2015)
  3. Scarlet Letter (2015)
  4. Soft on Crime (2015)
  5. Recidivism (2014)
  6. Can Do/Can’t Do Barriers Costs (2014)
  7. Comparative Costs (2014)
  8. Could You Rebuild Your Life (2014)
  9. How do We Piece It All Together (2014)
  10. Legislative Quiz (2014)
  11. Listen to One Who Knows (2014)
  12. More than 96% Never Reoffend (2014)
  13. Sex Offender Facts (2014)
  14. Unintended Consequences (2014)

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